C.I.E. Class A Co-Co. (with Crossley HSTV8 Diesel Engine)

C.I.E. Class A Co-Co. (with Crossley HSTV8 Diesel Engine)

Built by Metropolitan Vickers, Manchester in 1956/7 these locomotives were to form the mainstay of C.I.E.s principal express passenger and freight operations.
Originally installed with Crossley HSTV8 engines with an output of 1200hp. (the same engines as installed in the notorious British Railways Co-Bo’s) they proved to be unreliable after a few years in service and were re engined from 1968 onwards.
The rebuilds re-used the original traction motors and electrical equipment.

Original Number series A1-A60

The 001 ‘A’ class sounds have been recorded from the Crossley engine fitted in the Western Australian Government Railways X Class

Please choose carefully which decoder type.

There are two types of files, one with the factory cab light and shunting light settings and one if you have modified the cab lights and shunting lights to directional switching cab lights.

Video best viewed in full screen, press ‘esc’ to exit

Decoders come with a sugar cube speaker kit as standard, alternate speakers HERE

001 (A) Class Crossley engine

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