NER/LNER/BR G5 Locomotive with Autotrailer’s
(Both sounds in the locomotive)


One hundred and ten 0-4-4 tank locomotives were introduced by the North Eastern Railway between 1894 and 1901.
These locomotives designed by Worsdell were used on light passenger and branch-line work, they were known as class O on the N.E.R.
The class were mainly associated with the North-East coast but in the 1930s the LNER tried a few on the Great Eastern services in the East of London.
To extend their operational time away from their depots the majority were fitted with extended bunkers, some with hoppers.
A few of the class were push-pull fitted.

The principle of autotrain working is briefly having a driving cab in a coach allowing the driver to control basic driving functions remotely.
The operation of autotrains dispensed with the need to run the locomotive around to the other end of the train at terminating points of the trains journey.
When driven from the autotrailer cab the driver had control of the regulator, could set the brakes, and had a warning gong.
Trailers were also fitted with AWS (Automatic Warning System bell and horn).
There was also a handbrake and buzzer or bell system to communicate with the fireman(who remained on the locomotive) and the guard.

At Wheeltappers we have developed a locomotive decoder that complements the autotrailer.
This is a cheeper version, rather than having a sound decoder in the locomotive and another in the autotrailer, this version only has one decoder to be fitted in the locomotives bunker.
The decoder has been developed to use 1 or 2 autotrailer’s plus normal mode.
Please read the information sheet provided.
The whistles/gongs will work directionally with the sound emitting from the Locomotive only.
Lighting and oil lamps for the autotrailer can be worked from a separate function only decoder but will require separates pickups from the autotrailer.

BR Number series 67240-67349.
Last locomotive withdrawn 1958.
None have been preserved.

The NER G5 sounds are generic as there are none in preservation.

The sounds are enhanced with archived sounds.

Please choose carefully which decoder type.

Video best viewed in full screen, press ‘esc’ to exit

Decoders come with a sugar cube speaker kit as standard, alternate speakers HERE

LNER G5 Auto-fitted loco

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