Fowler LMS 3F 0-6-0T

Fowler LMS 3F 0-6-0T
In 1940 8 LMS 3F 0-6-0 Tank locomotives were taken over by the W.D. and sent to France to assist the B.E.F.
By the end of the year three had been destroyed and the others overrun by the German invasion of France. Of those 5 renumbered into the French Railway (S.N.C.F.) numbering system all returned to the U.K. in 1948

W.D. No. series 8-15
BR Whole Class number series 47260-47681

The WD LMS 3F Jinty 0-6-0T sounds have been recorded from the prototype.

Please choose carefully which decoder type and locomotive preference.

Video not available at this moment in time.

Decoders come with a sugar cube speaker kit as standard, alternate speakers HERE


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