GWR 2301 ‘Dean Goods’
GWR/BR 2301 Class (Dean Goods)
Designed by William Dean and built over a 17 year period from 1883-1899 these 0-6-0 tender locomotives could be found all over the GWR and later in Wales and the South West of the Western region British Railways.
Their light axle loading allowed them to go anywhere on the GWR.
280 of these locomotives numbered 2301-2580 by the GWR were intended for mixed traffic work and were rated in the 2MT power class by BR.
Some of the original locomotives were built with outside sandwich frames.
Twenty of the class were rebuilt as 2-6-2 tank locomotives for working the Midlands suburban lines and over 60 locomotives of the class were taken over by the WD in the First World War.
In the Second World War over 100 locomotives were used by the allies and found their way around the world.
BR number series 2322-2579 with gaps due to scrapping.
Last locomotive withdrawn 1957
1 has been preserved.
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