GWR Railcars.
GWR Railcars.
There were 38 diesel railcars built for or by the GWR.
37 entered BR service (No 9 was damaged by fire in 1945 and withdrawn).
No.s 1-18 were designed and built by AEC with Park Royal bodies on the first 4 and Gloucester C&W bodies on No.s 5-18.
The first No.1 entered service in 1934 and had a single AEC 120hp engine.
Later that year No.s 2-4 which had 2 engines were delivered.
Within 17 months of the prototype No.1 being tested an order was placed bringing the total to 8 units. Railcars 1-18 had a rounded streamlined driving cab at each end.
Only no 18 had standard buffing and drawbar fitted.
No.17 was fitted for carrying parcels.
The GWR at Swindon designed and built the remaining No.s 19-38 from 1940 onwards.
They were all fitted with two AEC 104 hp engines.
The driving cabs were of a more angular shape than the AEC built ones saving on materials and labour.
No. 34 was fitted for parcels traffic and No.s 35-38 had only a single cab being designed to work as two car or three car unit with the addition of a non powered trailer sandwiched between them.
A brief note about the lights on the railcars.
From all photographic evidence that we can find it would appear that a red oil tail lamp was carried in service on the lamp brackets provided.
Apparently the red electric light was not in general use.
On the GWR Railcars, two lights fitted over the front buffers when on would indicate an express working and the one on at roof level indicating an ordinary passenger.
The Parcels Railcars seemed to use the central light at roof level.
Withdrawals between 1954 and 1962
BR No. Series W1W -W8W and W10W -W28W 3 have been preserved.
The sounds have been enhanced with archived sounds.
The engine has been recorded from an AEC DMU
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There are 4 different types/makes of GWR Railcar.
Dapol 00 gauge.
Dapol O gauge
Heljan 00 gauge.
Heljan O gauge.
All have different settings & functions.
Video best viewed in full screen, press ‘esc’ to exit
Dapol 00 Version
Dapol O Gauge Version
Heljan 00 Version
Heljan O Gauge Version
Download the advanced function button list for Dapol 00 gauge.
Download the normal function button list for Dapol 00 gauge.
Download the advanced function button list for Dapol O gauge.
Download the normal function button list for Dapol O gauge.
Download the advanced function button list for Heljan O & 00 gauge
Download the normal function button list for Heljan O & 00 gauge
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